Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lots to do!

Ramiro the Hexapus

As far as New Years Resolutions go, this year has already been more successful than the rest. I've managed to create two stuffed animals a week since the first of the year. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up once classes start again.

I recently received a rather large custom order, so after today, it may be about two weeks before new stuff is added to the shop again. I'm really excited about the custom order though! I'll be sure to share as things become more concrete and I complete some of the animals.

In February two Fuzzy Muffins creations are going to be featured in an experimental typography exhibit at my university. Be prepared to see some awesome crocheted type pretty soon. :)

Outside of the Fuzzy Muffins world, I've been applying for jobs like crazy. No, I'm serious. I've applied for 30 jobs in the past two weeks. So far, no luck. I'm hoping I start to get some calls soon. That Smart car isn't going to pay for itself next year!

Alright, time to get to work on that custom order. Classes start back up in five days, which is a big bummer, but hey! That means the season premiere of Lost is coming up! Woo!


Unknown said...

oooo. i like ramiro.

Fuzzy Muffins said...

Woo! Thanks! He looks much better now that he has more than three legs, yeah? :)