A lot has gone down in the past month. Jesse, the customer who ordered the penguin and iguana from my last post, contacted me to see if I could make his girlfriend a platypus for valentine's day. I've never tried my hand at a platypus, but with some experimentation, this little guy was born:
Then, from February 6-13, Fuzzy Muffins was featured in an Experimental Typography show on campus at UNT. I created a GIANT, fuzzy letter Q, along with a small, lime green, crocheted q. Blending my love for typography and plushies was a BLAST, and I'm sure you will be seeing more squishy letters from me in the future.
Of course, the giant Q needed some cat ears. :D
Besides that, most of my time has been eaten up by my graphic design class. We're currently working on designing identity marks for our clients. Groove Salad, my client, is an online radio station that plays commercial free ambient music. You should definitely check it out, along with their other stations. It's great working music.
This is pretty much all I see these days.
Hopefully by the end of all this, I'll have some great work to post and share with you all.
In my non-work related world this month:
Brad's birthday was on the 18th, and it was AMAZING. We dressed up all spiffy and went out to Texas de Brazil, an unbelievable restaurant in Dallas. The food was SO incredible. Afterward, we headed over to the Granada for a breathtaking Lykke Li concert. It was tons of fun, and I'm really glad we managed to do something he'll remember. We've both been so busy lately, I was worried for a while that we wouldn't be able to fit anything special into our schedules. I'll be sure to post a picture from the concert in my next update.
Sadly, I need to get back to work now. I have a ton of thumbnails due on Monday for Groove Salad. Ah, the life of a comm. designer...
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I was featured in an Indie Craft Blog this month! Check it out at Indie Fixx.
this is so neat!
Love you
the fuzzy letters are pretty awesome.
oh comm design. you act like it's so much work. oh wait, i took it, and, it was. it was ridiculous. I feel your pain.
muzzy fuffins! ^_^
A giant letter Q with cat ears? I think might love you.
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